"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." Carl Jung

Posts tagged ‘shamanism’


image for beyond belief systems articleEnough is enough.  The decision I made many moons ago when I decided to cease blogging.

What did I have to say that has not been said?  What did I have to offer that is not already out there?

It is not information that we are short of, it is DISCERNMENT.

Assuming we still maintain the view that we are souls experiencing human constructs, where do we fit into the larger scheme of things?  Recent research has thrown up a smorgasbord of belief systems and if that does not drive one mad first how can someone new to this reality navigate their way through all that our world offers?  As an experiment on myself I devised the following questionnaire:

  1. How has your belief systems evolved over the years?
  2. How do you view/feel about children being lied to by parents over the “tooth fairy” and “Father Christmas?”
  3. How much do you still accept history as taught in our education systems?
  4. Where are you in your current experience of life?

Readers who have followed this blog (and they have diminished greatly these past few years due to lack of content) will know that I have undergone some intense and extreme changing realities.  Some refer to these as “Shamanic Initiations” others as “Spiritual Upgrades.”

There is a label, category and classification these days for every known phenomenon.

Recently I have had some contact with an experienced Shaman who has been teaching both in the US and India over a number of years.  I opted to share 2 extreme incidents from my life with him.  Whilst I had learned from and resolved and moved on from these events, they are related here in

“A New Human”  I felt the need to share them with a fellow traveller because, and this is hard to admit, the incidents were so severely profound and traumatic and everyone who I know who has so far read my book has never referred to them.  Is that down to their fear or mine?

Many diagnosed Mental Health patients have been sectioned in psychiatric institutions for experiencing far less than what I overcame.  And I did overcome it without any medication due to the loving and persistent care of souls not currently in human form.

For this reason, despite having much experience, knowledge and wisdom I have remained an ordinary person declining any offers to teach.  Yet here is where DISCERNMENT is needed.  There are thousands of Spiritual Teachings and Consciousness Raising Events that are keeping people in a “holding pattern.”

I have passed through a plethora of Conspiracy Theories (I think it’s time to do away with the theory bit and replace it with Reality) Spiritual and Consciousness Evolution Teachings. I have met and befriended some of the leading lights on the planet such as Eckhart Tolle and Davide Icke in my search for truth.  Much of what I have found is regurgitated information from other sources, in fact 99% of it is.  But we hear little about “personal experiences.”

Sitting on a park bench in a state of bliss, is not enlightenment. Understanding and embracing the shadow is.

Those deemed the greatest and most influential spiritual teachers of modern times have done little real personal shadow work.  So how can they lead their followers into areas they have not gone themselves?

Take a deep breath here if you are inclined to confuse criticism with discernment.  These are not mindless criticism I am making, they are facts gained from personal experience.

I have met many therapists, who gain their qualifications, take on their clients and before you know it they are having affairs with their clients as they had not been taught properly which leaves them and their clients in a state of confusion.  Their qualifications rarely included learning about “Energy.”  If we do not understand the source and use of this vital force we will get stuck in a holding pattern, because the teachings are being absorbed at an intellectual “feel good” level and not really affecting any profound change.

Having affairs with ones client’s is considered as abuse and it is not unusual.  In fact it is very common.  This is one area of DISCERNMENT that needs addressing, but there is another equally necessary and that is “Channelling.”

David Icke got caught up in this one time during his formative years before he learned his own form of DISCERNMENT, consequently the masses were told the UK Royal Family were reptilian human cannibals. Further research of course will produce a much more palatable yet still concerning story on this.

Yes, we are governed by a Ruling Elite, yes, there is a chasm between those that have and those that have not.  To address these issues we need to pass through as DISCERNINGLY and as quickly as possible all the distracting belief systems that are vying for our attention and begin to address and undo all that has been done to us to prevent us from DISCERNING the reality of a situation.  Whilst in the ultimate reality it is all one, simply saying or believing that does not make it so until we have completed our part of the mission.  Practicing DISCERNMENT will take us and enable us to develop trust both in ourselves and a greater empowering loving Universal Energy Source.

It starts with de-programming our minds and healing our childhood traumas.

We need to get out of our heads and deep into our bodies and connect with the soul’s source of guidance and collectively move ourselves to a position of Empowered and Discerning Sovereignty.

You will not find in my blog “information” par se, we are drowning in information, what you will find is hard earned wisdom that comes from experience.

Seeing reality for what it is is what we call discernment. The work of discernment is very hard. Lewis B. Smedes

As an aside, previous readers who have attempted to download the free book from the “Mission Neha” page will now find the 404 error corrected and the download available.


Transformative CRAZYWISE Event

CrazywiseIn a small town in the heart of the beautiful Brecon Beacons in Wales, UK, an event was held that had a transformative affect on many attendees. For a town that usually struggles to attract more than a dozen people to similar public events, we had an astounding attendance of thirty five to forty.

CRAZYWISE made by US Human Rights Photographer and Filmmaker Phil Borges and his colleague Kevin Tomlinson, explores alternative spiritual routes of healing, giving a fresh perspective to an age old issue in a modern world. It documents the journey of two individuals, Adam and Ekhaya through their severe mental illness crisis, showing interviews with their family and friends, as well as commentary from Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Spiritual and Buddhists Teachers and others.

We attracted a 50/50 mix of Mental Health Staff, Volunteers and clients using those services.  It was sadly, marked by an absence of Doctors and Psychiatrists, the very people whose attention is needed.  This was expressed during the discussion phase following the viewing.  “Where were the psychiatrists?  Where were the Doctors?  Where were key management from Mental Health Providers?”  We had one manager from our local Mental Health Hospital who attended the film but not the discussions.

The “Open Space” discussions following the film, was as fruitful for the participants as the film. In fact I was told “conversations were being held across toilet cubicles” and some said “This could have been a 2 day event.”

The event was successful, validating, and transformative for those attending and was summed up by a comment from a member of a local Mental Health Charity,

“I have been to many mental health conferences and this is the first event I have had the opportunity to talk about my own distress in a safe accepting environment.”  She added I cannot find anyone to talk to in my work place.”

In the final Plenary it was agreed to take 3 initiatives forward.

  1. To seek ways to show the film to Senior Medical Mental Health Practitioners through conferences and seminars to raise awareness.
  2. The question of the power imbalances between those suffering mental distress and their Medical Practitioners and how to empower individuals to question their Doctors/Psychiatrist and other mental health support workers when necessary.
  3. Question a lack of safe houses, guidance and programmes for those wishing to come off medications.

This event was initiated by Avril Meyler Emerging Paradigms and sponsored by PAVO a Voluntary Mental Health Organisation.

We need to see more of these initiatives to raise awareness of the often very real connections between Mental Crisis, Spiritual Awakenings and Shamanic Initiations.  They are happening across the globe and will only increase until we finally get the recognition needed from Mental Health Diagnosticians and professional treatment providers.


How to Suppress Human Potential in 2 Easy Steps

I wrote an e-mail to a friend on the subject of mental health/illness

It's better to light one candle than curse the darkness

It’s better to light one candle than curse the darkness

and spiritual awakenings and I want to share part of that e-mail with you co-bloggers.

Anyway what I have been pondering on is the whole skewed issue on Mental Health/Illness. In short I believe that the societies we have and are continuing to create is driving people mad. Most of the “awakening encounters” I have come across is usually the result of extreme stress caused by a crisis arising in a materialistic society whereby the real sense and feeling of soulfulness is completely disregarded. For example when you visit or speak to an advisor of Centre Link is their approach to get you to fit in with their criteria for being a “productive money earning member of society” or is their approach holistic and they are mindful of your experience and want you to feel fulfilled in your chosen career/work?

Perhaps that is the whole purpose of being here so that we recognise and see through the inhumanness, soulless and insensitive materialistic society we are creating and so we awaken and think we can change it. But the sad reality is, I am reaching the conclusion we will never change it, because it is not meant to change. If the Divine Design is to teach us about Love/Divinity/God (in the non-religious non-dual sense including Buddhism) then how can we with soulful integrity “earn a living” in a sick society? (more…)