"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." Carl Jung

Posts tagged ‘truth’

The Legacy of John Pilger

Some of you may have encountered John Pilger, long before you were considered a ‘conspiracy theorist.’  Such terms were unknown to me when I began to look towards Pilger, a lone voice of truth in the midst of a wilderness of such. In the days before the internet became a source of news, John Pilger was on my radar.  Reading of his death today, after he spent years reporting from around the world, in some of the most dangerous places, his legacy, I hope will be long remembered. Not only for his heroic reporting, with his indomitable compassionate spirit, but he showed the disparity between the suffering of victims in far flung places, away from the UK, and governments, UN and various aid agencies, who stood by from the comfort of their offices, making judgements of whether to give or withhold aid, basing their decisions on the politics holding power behind the scenes. Or as ever, in the case of the US and the UK who, when and how many bombs to send/fund.  I watch the current horror unfold in Gaza, and then watched The War You Don’t See:https://vimeo.com/67739294

 I see despairingly, nothing changes much. This was filmed in 1979, shortly after the Khmer Rouge were ousted by the Vietnamese.

 Many commentators, such as Neil Oliver, are speaking of 2023 being a year when our eyes were opened, since when has 2023 been the year when our eyes have been opened? In February – March  2011 my eyes were opened in Phnom Penh, as I visited the very same sites referred to by Pilger in this groundbreaking documentary, and again later, as I visited the War Remnants Museum Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam.  All before others regarded me as a suspect conspiracy theorist.  I hear around me concerns about, not only the past 3 plus years, but the coming few years, especially as we approach 2024. I wonder how many of the victims in Pilger’s documentary may have wondered the same sometime, prior to their troubles? The US created Pol Pot. and they bombed Vietnam back to the stone age. I have met third generation Vietnamese children and adults who are disabled and disfigured, as a direct result of their parents and grandparents inhaling agent orange. 

 It seems rather inappropriate to wish you all a Happy New Year.  Instead I wish you to learn from your history and see how it is repeating itself and consider how and if there is any one thing we can each do to prevent it from continuing the perpetuity.

Whilst we may mourn the death of John Pilger, because he said what we didn’t say: because he did what we didn’t or couldn’t: let’s us not ignore the fact that his death is perfect timing.  Perfect timing to further open the eyes of those whose eyes only opened at the onset of Covid.  Those who claim to have seen through all the subterfuge; lies; propaganda; corruption and mass formation, through the covid plandemic, yet had not seen all this throughout many decades previously, assuming one is more than a few decades old.  The language may have changed but the strategies not. 

The evidence that Pilger demonstrates in this video shows that what is happening in Israel and to the Palestinians is a time old strategy of the killing machine in full operation. The points I want to focus on, is, without the media’s collusion and lack of asking the right critical questions and by accepting the word of government, through assuming governments are ‘legitimate’ has allowed this and previous wars to occur.  In other words the media is guilty by omission of de-population and worse.  Those who regard themselves as critical thinkers and conspiracy theorists see the truth in covid, yet avoid the truth that, in fact de-population is the modus operandi of this planet.  It is continually at war.  Most you do not see.  Why do you not see it?

Because you do not ‘feel’ the threat of bombs and bullets, you do not feel motivated to learn the truth about history and how you have been living in a dream, which is actually someone else’s,  nightmares for those caught up in all wars.  Covid, motivated you to learn about vaccines, germs health etc, because you felt personally threatened. Your government had mesmerised you to the point of confusion and the inability to see the truth of the lies. For some of you, you saw it sooner than others, and yet many still do not see it.

Someone has recently challenged me on the issue of “FREE WILL.”  The issue was: My claim that those who took the vaccine did so of their own free will.  My opponent’s claim that “they don’t have free will because their free will has been taken away due to being programmed” 

It begs the question: Why did many of you reading this not take the vaccine?Which begs another question: What is the difference between the ones that willingly held their arm out to receive the shot, and those of us who refused and would never take it?I maintain it is free will.  I use covid here as an illustration only, I have not deviated from the topic of The War You Don’t See. 

The same free will that we use to try to discover the truth of a situation that warrants discernment and discrimination, because we deem the issue important enough to spend the effort and energy to investigate, because: it affects my well-being or/and it affects the well-being of the whole of humanity.  Here is the problem of WHY wars in perpetuity have been allowed to continue unchallenged.  Because the majority of people fall into the first category i.e. it affects their well-being only, they are unable or unwilling to engage their hearts, spirits and minds and put themselves, metaphorically in the other person’s shoes.  In this case, I am referring to other persons as the innocent victims of all wars, who are mostly civilians, who become war statistics, numbers of collateral damage.

There is another reason why wars are in perpetuity.  People’s priorities differ, depending on their age, status and disposition.  Many are still undergoing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs development, and have not reached the point of caring what is and what is not truth, because it require tremendous effort, energy and dedication, and because the word “TRUTH triggers a gut reaction of your truth/my truth/what is truth, distraction.

Truth, like Love, is something you feel deep in your gut: deep in your heart: deep in the soul and spirit. I know many of you reading this KNOW and FEEL deep in your hearts, souls and spirit that what is happening here and now on our watch is not  ‘someone else’s business’  but it is OUR BUSINESS.

Simply BEING HUMAN demands we exercise our free will and then ask the question:  If I have free will and I am not afraid to speak truth to power, why don’t I?  

Or one day we may be asked “Daddy/Mummy what did you do when they were killing all the children?”

Let us not be like the reporters in the video The War You Don’t see, who were close to tears when they realised how their inability to ask the right questions and overcome their fear of speaking truth to power, as they admitted feeling guilty because they did nothing and simply watched from the sidelines. 

May you all find your voices during 2024 and beyond.